Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Scott Cunningham's Book of Shadows

Hey Everyone,
I just recently purchased the newest Scott Cunningham's book: Cunningham's Book of Shadows. I normally don't buy hard cover books, but I saw it and I almost cried because Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner was the book the first book on Wicca that called to me. Scott Cunningham changed Wicca for the better, he wrote in a way that made people think and feel about Wicca. Scott began writing this book in the 80's and it was lost for years after his death. They found the manila envelope containing his rough copy for this new book. It is amazing, I was so exited when I bought this book. Thank you Scott, for leaving behind a legacy that young Wiccan's everywhere will be drawn to, just like I was.

Thanks for reading, check back soon for more of my thoughts and feelings.

Blessed Be!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Books (Non-Wicca related)

Hey Everyone,
I love reading, I have written about all the non-fiction Wicca books I love, but I also really enjoy teen fiction. I love reading all the vampire books like The House of Night series, Vampire Academy, Night World, Vampire Diaries, Dark Visions and so many more. But recently I have gotten tired with the doom and gloom vamp stories, instead I have been reading a variety of other teen novels. I have read a lot of the Gossip Girl novels, even though they are kind of shallow, they are fun and it is cool to escape into another world where designer is the new Wal-Mart. The other books I have really been enjoying are by Sarah Dessen. They are sort of worst-case senario stories and how people deal with it. I am currently reading Lock and Key and Just Listen. The first book that I read of Sarah Dessen's was Someone Like You. Her writing style is amazing, she writes in a way teenage girl can relate to, even if she is in a completely different situation. Sarah Dessen's writing style draws you in during the first paragraph and keeps you hooked. I really love her books and look forward to reading more. Reading is my passion and I enjoy reading not only Wicca books but regular fiction as well.

Thanks for reading, check back soon for more!

Blessed Be!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Favorite Music

Hey Everyone,
I love listening to music, I find that it calms me and makes me feel better when I am stressed. I really love gothic and spiritual music. My absolute favorite artist is Evanescence because the music is very moving. If you are interested in trying some of their music, I listed my Top 5 favorites. Amy Lee is a very talented song writer/singer who expresses her pain in the most beautiful way and helps people every where. I have gone through all the teen girl bitching matches, mood swings and everything else that comes with being a teenager. This music helped me get through because it helps me deal with my emotions. Thanks Evanescence!!!

- Bring Me to Life
- Sweet Sacrifice
- Weight of the World
- Cloud Nine
- Snow White Queen

Thanks for reading, check back soon for more from a true teenage Witch!

Blessed Be!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Long Time no Write

Hey Everyone,
It has been forever since I made a post, I have been super busy with school and reading.  I have really missed making a post.  

I just got a new book, by Silver Ravenwolf Teen Witch: Wicca for the New Generation.  It is absolutely amazing, there are a lot of cool spells and other things.  The thing I love most about it is, it is directed directly towards teenagers, the information is not as confusing, and it has a lot with her daughters in it.  I absolutely love it and I would recomend it to any teen studying the craft.

Thanks for reading, check back soon for a new post.

Blessed Be,


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Daily Puppy

Hey Everyone,
I absolutely love animals and when I found The Daily Puppy widget, I was very excited.  I love all of the dogs on there, but I have been keeping pictures of some of my favorites and I thought I would show them.  I have two small shih tzu's and I love them so much, I will put up some pictures of them soon.  I am not saying I am a dog person, I love cats just as much I love dogs, I have a Tortie-Siamese and she is the sweetest cat ever, she always snuggles down on my pillow and I love her so much.  

Thanks for reading, check back tomorrow for more!
Blessed Be!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Happy Birthday Silver!

Hey Everyone,
Sorry it has been so long since I have written, I have been busy with school.  But anyways, I just wanted to wish Silver Ravenwolf a very, very happy birthday!
She has the same birthday as my mom so I would also like to wish her a very Happy Birthday!  I love you so much mom and I hope you have a great birthday and a great year!
Silver Ravenwolf, thank you so much for sharing all your wonderful wisdom to all of the teen and young adults who need it, I hope you have a wonderful birthday and a wonderful year!

Blessed Be!

Monday, September 7, 2009

New Blog

Hey Everyone,
I love this blog, but after yesterdays post, I decided that I am going to start another blog.  I will continue working on this one, because I love writing about Wicca.  My new blog is called The Legacy of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.  In this blog, I am analyzing each episode of the show (and the spin-off Angel) and writing my own opinions and favorite parts.  So if you are interested please check it out!

Thanks for reading!

Blessed Be!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

The Buffy Legacy

Hey Everyone,
I just finished watching the last episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and it was really sad to watch.  I have loved this show for quite a while, and it was always something to look forward to, seeing the how it would change and what twist and turns they would throw me through, and all the while, I was loving every second of it.  I will admit that through the last episode, I cried because I knew it would be the last leg of the Buffy legacy, that we wouldn't see Sarah Michelle Gellar playing our magnificent Buffy.  I  believe that Buffy is a true legacy and it will live on through the ages, that 10, 15 or even 25 years from now, people will still be watching, laughing and crying through all of it.  Joss Whedon is the single most amazing writer/producer in history.  All of his shows have been amazing and he was the creator of the Buffy legacy.  For that he will live on in history for eternity.  He draws you into the shows and he makes sure you stay hooked.  He uses so many metaphors to help us understand for every part of adolescence and learn who we are.  Some people think I am weird for loving Buffy the Vampire Slayer with the passion that I do, some people believe that it is an escape, and sometimes it is, but at the same time, it helps me deal with the the struggles of being a teenager.  It is the show that has made things that used to be true sins, alright.  Like Wicca, power for women, homosexuality and so much more.  Life for me is better thanks to Joss Whedon and the work of all the magnificent cast and crew.

Thank you for reading, check back tomorrow for more!

Blessed Be!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Hey Everyone,
I just got a new books today!  A Witch's Notebook by Silver Ravenwolf.  I have not started reading it, but I am VERY exited to start, because I am a huge Silver Ravenwolf fan.  I find she really writes about the specific style of Wicca that I practice, and she has a lot of good spells and rituals, especially for the Sabbats.  I will post a review once I finish the book.  

Thanks for reading, check back tomorrow for more!

Blessed Be!

Monday, August 31, 2009

Pagan Pride

I love this Pagan Pride saying, I read it every day, it makes me remember what I and all the Witch's of the world are here for.  Here it is (Found it in Solitary Witch by Silver Ravenwolf).

Pagan Pride

In darkness you paint us, but we will not hide.
We're the light of the country in which you abide,
we're fearless and strong, the protectors of life
hidden in shadows, we conquer all strife.

We come from the old ones, our lineage secure.
We rise from the ashes, we always endure.
It's time you remembered that we were here first.
We healed your sick, yet suffered your worst.

From time immemorial we've woven our lore
cunning folk, healers, benandanti - there's more.
We're black and we're white, we're brown and we're yellow.
We're women and children and mighty fine fellows.

We're Her hidden children, the angels of light,
our task is to teach and to help set things right.
We conjure and cast, and whisper and pray
so you can enjoy your freedom each day.

We've long been your army, protecting your back
when you are in trouble, in secret we act.
The Mother is watching - She hasn't missed much.
She's gathered Her magick and given the touch
to Witches and Pagans and Druids and such!

The times are a' changing an one thing is clear
the Lord and the Lady have now reappeared.
Two pillars, three points, four quarters extend
five is the number of magickal blend.
By moon and by sun, by earth and by stars
realize this day that the power is ours!

Pagan pride - 
Live it, breath it, be it.

Hope this helped you as much as it helps me.  Thanks for reading, check back tomorrow for more!

Blessed Be!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Teddy Bears

Hey Everyone,
I love teddy bears, and I wanted to show you this picture of my teddy.  This is the Wizard B Academy costume that came out when Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix came out.  I think this is just the cutest thing every because she has the pointy hat and the purple robe and the little silver shoes.  

Thanks for reading, check back tomorrow for more!

Blessed Be!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Back to School

Hey Everyone,
I start school today, and like most, I am FREAKING!  It's always really hard to get to sleep the night before school start and I was worried that I wasn't going to get any sleep last night, so I did 3 things to help relax me.  
#1) I went for a walk around the neighbourhood because exercise is always good for stress.
#2) I talked to friends and family because it helps me to talk when I am stressed.
#3) When I was trying to fall asleep, I played my favorite Enya CD (A Day Without Rain) and just let my mind wander.

These 3 things really help me, and as for the day you start school, just try to take deep breaths and relax.

Thanks for reading, check back tomorrow for more!

Blessed Be!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Hey Everyone,
I am a Buffy the Vampire Slayer fanatic.  I love the show, I have seen every season but 7 (which I am watching starting September).  I also really love the spin-off Angel.  Everyone asks me why I love vampires so much, and it is a really hard question to answer.  I find them fascinating, how there are so many different theories and they are all so interesting.  Back to Buffy, I fid the show really thrilling, all the twists and turns, how the a woman is the strongest.  I am all about equality for everyone, especially women in society.  But that is a different topic.  I will talk more about Buffy later.

Thanks for reading!  Check back tomorrow!

Blessed Be!

Monday, August 24, 2009


Hey Everyone,
I absolutely love swimming.  I find it so calming, because the water supports you so much and you just feel so free moving with the current.  The power you feel and the relief of swimming under.  Being totally at one with something.  Being one with water makes you feel even closer to Her.  I will write more later.

Thanks for reading, check back tomorrow for more!

Blessed Be!

Sunday, August 23, 2009


Hey Everyone,
One of the other thing that I find really calming is yoga.  The power to align your body absolutely perfectly and to be at peace while doing it.  I am not very flexible, but at the same time, I still try because I love it.  If you are interested in yoga, go for it!  If your not flexible then yoga is even more suited for you because it help to increase your flexibility.  My advice is just keep trying and stick with it.  I will make some notes about good yoga books later.  

Thanks for reading, check back later for more!

Blessed Be!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Belly Dancing

Hey Everyone,
Just wanted to say hi, I haven't made a post for a couple days.  I have just got a new book, not Wicca related but still totally awesome.  It is called Blood Promise, it is the fourth novel in the Vampire Academy series.  I was totally exited to get it because the last book Shadow Kiss, had a major cliff hanger.  I am totally loving reading that, but on another note, my mom, auntie and I are going to start BELLY DANCING!  Which will be totally fun and I am really looking forward to it because it will be a great way to have fun and stay in shape.  We are going to do a class before we go out and buy are costumes.  I just love the costumes, they are so fun and jingly.  I really love all the colors of the costumes.  

Thanks for reading, check back tomorrow for another post!

Blessed Be!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Incomplete posts

Hey Everyone,
Many of you may be wondering why some of my post are incomplete.  It is because I was away and have just been working on them a bit everyday, so when they are all complete and update I will make a post saying so.  Thanks for your understanding!!

Blessed Be!

Poll Results

Hey Everyone,
Last weeks poll results are in!  The question was "What is the most important item in your witches cabinet?"
50% voted Book of Shadows
25% voted Wand
25% voted Herbs

Thanks to everyone who voted and check back weekly for a new poll!

Blessed Be!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Hey Everyone,
I love doing different types of divination, this post will be telling a bit about different types of divination.  Divination is basically seeking knowledge of the future.  There are many different forms.  Personally, I love tarot, I don't use it for the purpose of predicting the future.  The future is always changing, and impossible to predict correctly.  The form of divination that is commonly know is scrying (crystal ball), but you can also get scrying mirrors.  I sometimes get dreams about things that have not come to pass.  But I am by no means "psychic", dreams like that are very common amongst people.  I will write more later about tarot and scrying.

Thanks for reading, check back soon!

Blessed Be!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Book of Shadows

Hey Everyone,
Every Witch must have a book of shadows (BOS), it is where you keep all your spells and rituals, in this post, I will tell you a bit about a good BOS.  BOS are very special to a Witch, especially if it is hand written.  My BOS is hand-bound green leather.  I also keep a digital copy.  I keep my Wheel of the year festivals, my spells, my teen seeker ceremony, The Charge of the Goddess, and The Witches Creed.  Many also keep their recipes.  My BOS is in hand written Calligraphy.
Some tips for your BOS:
#1) Pick a journal that calls to you, maybe one with a pentacle of a triple moon goddess symbols, whatever fells right
#2) Hand written personalizes it and makes it your own
#3) BOS are precious and can be passed down for generations, take care when you write it and love every second

Thanks for reading, hope this info helped!  Check back soon for more information!

Blessed Be!

Blessed Be!

Saturday, August 15, 2009


Hey Everyone,
There are two Esbats in a month, occasionally more.  The Esbats are the full moons and the new moons, and here is a list of the different moons in the year, and some ways to celebrate them.
There are many fun ways to celebrate them.  I really like to do my regular meditation with some of my favorite incense.  But if you want to do something really special say for the full moon in your birthday month, there are many more options.   I really like to bake, so for the October full moon (list is below), I might make moon cakes for the ceremony.  Just do whatever feels right to you for the ceremonies.
Each month has a different moon, so here is the list:
January: Wolf Moon
February: Storm Moon
March: Chaste Moon
April: Seed Moon
May: Hare Moon
June: Dyad (pair) Moon
July: Mead Moon
August: Wyrt (green plant) Moon
September: Barley Moon
October: Blood Moon
November: Snow Moon
December: Oak Moon
Random*: Blue Moon 
* Can take place in any month because there are 13 moons a year, but in the Gregorian calender, there is only 12 months, which does not follow the moon cycles.

Thanks for reading, for more information, check back later!
Blessed Be!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Witches Cabinet

Hey Everyone,
What is a Witches Cabinet?  It is where you keep all you witchy things, so in this post will be all the basics, and the not so basics.  I keep all of my supplies in a small leather box, but I am quickly expanding.
Altar Cloths
Beads (for making jewelry and talismans/amulets)
Book of Shadows
Candles (I have tons, all different colors and sizes)
Candle Holders
Capes and Costumes
Corn (dried and powdered)
Crystals and Gems
Crystal Ball
Decanter (for wine and mead)
Divination Tools (wide variety)
Herbs, dried plants and spices
Holy Water
Holy Oil
Incense, bricks, burners and fire resistant plate
India ink (for writing spells on parchment)
Magick mirror
Magickal jewlery
Mortar and Pestle 
Parchment Paper
Pens (water colour)
Pocket Knife
Potpourri pot
Quill Pens
Rawhide, jewelry, etc.
Rope (5 feet for making a circle for the children)
Sea Salt
Stencils and brushes
Tarot cards (several decks)
Wooden boxes 
Wooden spoons

You really do not need all of this, but it is nice to have all of it.  I just collect mine over time.

Blessed Be!

This information was found in To Ride a Silver Broomstick by Silver Ravenwolf 

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Moon Cakes

Hey Everyone,
Mmm.  Moon Cakes, festive and delicious for any occasion especially Esbats and Sabbats.  Here is my favorite Moon Cake recipe, along with a non-alcoholic mead, try it, you'll love it!
My favorite recipes are from Scott Cunningham's Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner
Moon Cakes
1 cup finely ground almonds
1 1/4 cups flour
2 drops almond extract
1/2 cup butter, softened
1 egg yolk

Combine almonds, flour, sugar, and almond extract until thoroughly mixed.  With the hands, work in butter and egg yolk until well blended.  Chill dough.  Preheat oven to 325 degrees Fahrenheit.  Pinch off pieces of dough about the size of walnuts and shape into crescent moons.  Place on greased (or no stick) backing sheets and back for about 20 minutes.

Soft Mead (Non-Alcoholic)
1 quart water, preferably spring water
1 cup honey
1 sliced lemon
1/2 tsp. nutmeg

Boil together all the ingredients in a nonmetallic pot.  While boiling, scrape off the rising "scum" with a wooden spoon.  When no more rises, add the following:
pinch of salt
juice of 1/2 lemon.

Strain and cool.
Blessed Be! 

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Elemental Encyclopedias

Hey Everyone,
There are a series of books, called the Elemental Encyclopedias.  They are very big and quite pricey, but I feel they are really good books to have.  I do not own any of them, but I have spent long hours in the book store reading over them.  Here is a list of all the books that are on my wish list.  (EE stands for elemental encyclopedia)
EE of Witchcraft
EE of 5000 spells
EE of Magical Creatures
EE of Spirits

These books have a lot of interesting infromation for doing spells and rituals, and I just think they would be a really fun read.

Blessed Be!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Turtles and the Moon

Hey Everyone,
My mom and I absolutely love turtles, and I also really love the moon, because I feel really connected to her.  But did you know how closely they are related?
If you look closely at a turtle's shell, on the inside there is 13 different sections, which link to the 13 moons in a year.  If you look at the outside, there are 28 sections which link to the 28 day cycle of the moon.  Another fact is turtles only lay their eggs at night, when the moon is out.  
Cool huh?
Thanks for reading, check back tomorrow to learn more about different books, crystals, herbs and much much more!
Blessed Be!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Daily Meditation

Hey Everyone,
This post is just going to be about daily meditations and how to deal with the everyday stress of being a teenager.  
For my daily meditations, I like to have a nice, long, hot bath, with my favorite epsom salts (or bubble bath) and a lot of candles.  I find this very soothing because there is no harsh light, purely candle light.  It is also nice to have some incense burning and music playing.  My favorite meditation music is Enya, and Loreena McKennit.  I like to read my favorite book, then soap down.  And after the bath, it is always nice to mosturize from head to toe.
If you do not have time for a bath, or access to a bath, burning even a single candle in a dark room can be very relaxing.
Thanks for reading!
WARNING!!! Keep all electronics far away from the bath tub, and be careful of the candles!
Blessed Be!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Long Day

Hey Everyone, 
I had a long day shopping with my mom and my aunt.  I got some really cute items, a candle snuff, some lavender honey, a Celtic necklace and a really cool pocket book of spells.  It is called The Little Book of Spells.  It is not directed towards real Witches, but more towards people who do not practice magick.  But it is really cool, some really simple spells.  Well, I am going to go meditate before bed.

Blessed Be!


Hey Everyone,
One of the things that I haven't mentioned yet in any of my posts, is how much I love writing.   I am writing a book right now, I do not want to give to many details yet, because it is still in the research stage.  I also enjoy writing poetry, because I find all the different forms of poetry you can write absolutely amazing!  For school this past year, we had to do a poetry portfolio with 8 different poems that we wrote.  Most people were like "this is lame, who likes poetry", but it was actually the most fun I had in class all year.  So some tips if any of you ever have to write a poetry portfolio for school:
1) Write poems about things you know, like books, or tv programs or movies, just something you normally enjoy, that'll make it more fun in the long fun.
2) Many teachers want the poems to be decorated, and when you decorate it, don't let it be a chore.  Take your pencil crayons, sit on the couch, listen to music, have fun with it.
3) Reward yourself, every time you finish a poem, take a break, have a snack, or go for a jog.  Whatever makes you feel better.
Hope some of these tips are helpful!

Blessed Be!!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Good Night

Hey Everybody,
I didn't have time to make a long post today, but I still wanted to say a quick hi and a very big thanks to therousehouse and HibiscusMoon for being the first two followers of my blog.  I really want to get out into the blogging community because I want to share my knowledge and help new Wiccan's who don't really know where to start.  So please spread the word- Diary of a Teenage Witch.  Thank you so much, and Merry ye Meet, Merry ye Part and Merry ye Meet again!

Blessed Be!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Books For Beginners

Hey Everyone (again),
I understand that it is difficult to know where to find information when you are starting studying Wicca.  Personally, I really enjoy learning from books because you can take them pretty much anywhere.  I have read a lot of books related to Wicca and Witchcraft but there is one book I strongly recommend for beginners, or even trained Witches because it has all the information you need in one book.  
Solitary Witch by Silver Ravenwolf is my #1 recommendation because it is a very good price for all the information it holds, there is info about all the Sabbats and the Esbats, it explains a little bit about astrology and tarot (I will write more about tarot later), and how to set up your altar and prepare for Sabbat and Esbat rituals.  Where I live, there are not a large selection of Silver Ravenwolf books, so I do not have all of the books I wish to have.  But the other books of hers I really want to get is Teen Witch, because it is focused on teen witches (Duh..) and it has spells and information that applies more to Teens and is easier to understand.  Also she has a serious of three that go more into depth about Wicca and Witchcraft.  The series consists of To Ride a Silver Broomstick, To Stir a Magick Cauldron, and To Light a Sacred Flame.  I have To Ride a Silver Broomstick, and it is an absolute amazing book, it is really good if you know the basics and want to learn more.  I am not trying to sell anything but these are just really good books that I strongly recommend.
I will add more books later when I get a chance. 

Blessed Be!

Happy Full Moon

Hey Everyone,
Happy Full Moon!  Hope everyone is enjoying the craziness.  It's weird, but doesn't it seem like everyone is a little bit wackier on a full moon.  

Blessed Be!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Meta Pot

Hi again,
There is this really cool site called http://www.metapot.com
It is an amazing site for all of the supplies you may need for meditations, rituals and  spells.  Each week I will have a my pick of the week posted on the side under Pick of the Week.
This weeks will be posted soon.

Blessed Be!

First Blog Post

Hello Everyone,
This is my first day blogging so I just wanted to say hi.  I am a Solitary Witch (a.k.a Wiccan) and I love studying the craft.  I welcome any comments or questions.  If you want to know something related to the craft or my experiences, just post a comment.  I will try to update my blog as often as I can, so check back daily.

Blessed Be!