Saturday, August 15, 2009


Hey Everyone,
There are two Esbats in a month, occasionally more.  The Esbats are the full moons and the new moons, and here is a list of the different moons in the year, and some ways to celebrate them.
There are many fun ways to celebrate them.  I really like to do my regular meditation with some of my favorite incense.  But if you want to do something really special say for the full moon in your birthday month, there are many more options.   I really like to bake, so for the October full moon (list is below), I might make moon cakes for the ceremony.  Just do whatever feels right to you for the ceremonies.
Each month has a different moon, so here is the list:
January: Wolf Moon
February: Storm Moon
March: Chaste Moon
April: Seed Moon
May: Hare Moon
June: Dyad (pair) Moon
July: Mead Moon
August: Wyrt (green plant) Moon
September: Barley Moon
October: Blood Moon
November: Snow Moon
December: Oak Moon
Random*: Blue Moon 
* Can take place in any month because there are 13 moons a year, but in the Gregorian calender, there is only 12 months, which does not follow the moon cycles.

Thanks for reading, for more information, check back later!
Blessed Be!

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