Saturday, August 22, 2009

Belly Dancing

Hey Everyone,
Just wanted to say hi, I haven't made a post for a couple days.  I have just got a new book, not Wicca related but still totally awesome.  It is called Blood Promise, it is the fourth novel in the Vampire Academy series.  I was totally exited to get it because the last book Shadow Kiss, had a major cliff hanger.  I am totally loving reading that, but on another note, my mom, auntie and I are going to start BELLY DANCING!  Which will be totally fun and I am really looking forward to it because it will be a great way to have fun and stay in shape.  We are going to do a class before we go out and buy are costumes.  I just love the costumes, they are so fun and jingly.  I really love all the colors of the costumes.  

Thanks for reading, check back tomorrow for another post!

Blessed Be!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Incomplete posts

Hey Everyone,
Many of you may be wondering why some of my post are incomplete.  It is because I was away and have just been working on them a bit everyday, so when they are all complete and update I will make a post saying so.  Thanks for your understanding!!

Blessed Be!

Poll Results

Hey Everyone,
Last weeks poll results are in!  The question was "What is the most important item in your witches cabinet?"
50% voted Book of Shadows
25% voted Wand
25% voted Herbs

Thanks to everyone who voted and check back weekly for a new poll!

Blessed Be!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Hey Everyone,
I love doing different types of divination, this post will be telling a bit about different types of divination.  Divination is basically seeking knowledge of the future.  There are many different forms.  Personally, I love tarot, I don't use it for the purpose of predicting the future.  The future is always changing, and impossible to predict correctly.  The form of divination that is commonly know is scrying (crystal ball), but you can also get scrying mirrors.  I sometimes get dreams about things that have not come to pass.  But I am by no means "psychic", dreams like that are very common amongst people.  I will write more later about tarot and scrying.

Thanks for reading, check back soon!

Blessed Be!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Book of Shadows

Hey Everyone,
Every Witch must have a book of shadows (BOS), it is where you keep all your spells and rituals, in this post, I will tell you a bit about a good BOS.  BOS are very special to a Witch, especially if it is hand written.  My BOS is hand-bound green leather.  I also keep a digital copy.  I keep my Wheel of the year festivals, my spells, my teen seeker ceremony, The Charge of the Goddess, and The Witches Creed.  Many also keep their recipes.  My BOS is in hand written Calligraphy.
Some tips for your BOS:
#1) Pick a journal that calls to you, maybe one with a pentacle of a triple moon goddess symbols, whatever fells right
#2) Hand written personalizes it and makes it your own
#3) BOS are precious and can be passed down for generations, take care when you write it and love every second

Thanks for reading, hope this info helped!  Check back soon for more information!

Blessed Be!

Blessed Be!