Hey Everyone,
I just recently purchased the newest Scott Cunningham's book: Cunningham's Book of Shadows. I normally don't buy hard cover books, but I saw it and I almost cried because Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner was the book the first book on Wicca that called to me. Scott Cunningham changed Wicca for the better, he wrote in a way that made people think and feel about Wicca. Scott began writing this book in the 80's and it was lost for years after his death. They found the manila envelope containing his rough copy for this new book. It is amazing, I was so exited when I bought this book. Thank you Scott, for leaving behind a legacy that young Wiccan's everywhere will be drawn to, just like I was.
Thanks for reading, check back soon for more of my thoughts and feelings.
Blessed Be!